The pictures below are from the Fongal Festival which is like a small state fair. It was a very cultural experience. I especially loved seeing all of the animals there.
Richard was baptized!!! Woohoo! His grandfather baptized him and it was a great experience. His cousin and his aunt gave their testimonies crying. Everyone spoke about how this was the start for his preparation for the mission. The last Sunday my companion and I taught the young mens class (The YM president wasn't there) and Richard said that he wants to serve a mission. I am telling you that the greatest joy I have had in my mission is to see(and baptize) so many future missionaries.
President Williams came to Cajamarca this week to do interviews. He and his wife are fantastic. He is super funny but at the same time can be very serious and spiritual. He is also extremely encouraging, he said that he could see the love that I have for me companion and for the people we visit.
This week we taught a young woman named Margeri. We taught her with a North American who was visiting family and is preparing for the mission. She had a thousand questions about the book of Mormon, the priesthood, and Joseph Smith. We taught everything about the restoration and for part of the lesson she had tears in her eyes. She prayed and when we were about to leave she asked us "I feel like it is true, but my father is a preacher, what can I do?" As soon as she finished to say that my companion told her "We will teach him the same, because it is the truth, I am the only member in my family, but one day that change because the truth will never change and they must accept it too." It was something so strong that we were just on a spiritual high all day.
I love you all and I hope that you have a wonderful week
Elder Perryman
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